Take off your Nike Air Trainers and get out on the dance floor cause here comes Supercycle! It's dancy electro-pop-synth that's just emerging into the electronic music world [considering they just started making music in August 2007]. I had an email interview with them to figure out why they do what they do and....well...what's up with all of the mustaches.
Who is it that specifically influences your style?Kraftwerk, George Martin/The Beattles, Quincy Jones/Michael Jackson, Megadeath, The Panacea, Rick Rubin, Bob Rock, Ricardo Almeida, disco, funk and rock... the 70's 80's and 90's combined.
Why did you start making electro music?The electro is because of Jen, one half of Supercycle. She has always loved electro. She made electrostep as a solo artist. I bring in the harder edge and together we really like the sounds we create. She is a really insane editor, and I get a little crazy with creating sounds, so it works.
Primary equipment: Logic.
Supercycle doesn't have any US tour dates at the moment, but look out Toronto! They'll be playing at
Shit La Merde in the near future.
And when asking about why all of their pictures on
MYSPACE are of mustaches, well, they just like the damn mustaches, that's all. And if you do too, check out
Movember, which makes November the month for mustache awareness.
SUPERCYCLE-Dance with the Dead